- The accepted age in all classes shall be as of December 31st of the previous year. The birthdate, mailing address, and phone number of all dancers must be listed on entry form.
- All classes shall be open to amateurs and semi-professionals only who are residents of the Sunshine Coast, BC.
The term “amateur” and “semi-professional” shall mean one whose principal income is not derived from teaching or performing services.
Solos - 3:00 minutes maximum
Duo & Trios - 4:00 minutes maximum
Groups - 5:00 minute maximum
(with the exception of Musical Theatre Groups and Productions which can be up to 15 minutes) DETERMINING AGE GROUPS
– Class eligibility will be determined by the group’s average age. NOTE: When calculating the average age 0.51 and over is advanced to the next higher age group.
(i.e.: Average age of 8.50 enters in the 8 year age group. Average age is 8.51 enter in the 9 year age group).
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ONLY – in any class in the BALLET SECTION. (EXCEPTION: Demi-character (6 years & under) Demi -Characters groups and Contemporary Ballet.).
TAP CLASSES - NO TAP SOUNDS may be heard on tape. NOTE; At the Provincial Competitions (Performing Arts BC) in Stage Lip Synchronization will be permitted in any class.
MUSIC FOR ENTRIES - All music for each individual entry (solos, duos, trios & groups) must be emailed to the board by no later than April 1, 2019. Please send each file in a MP3 format, clearly labelled with the title of entry, dance style and timing. Email to: [email protected]
BEHAVIOR & BACKSTAGE ETIQUETTE: Individuals will be asked to leave the Theatre/Backstage area if, in the opinion of the Festival Committee or its members, they are behaving in a manner not fitted to a Dance Competition of this nature. This will apply to competitors, teachers and members of the audience.
PROPS - must be light enough for a dancer or designated person to carry on and off stage. Must have proper dance & stage floor protection. If the dance stage floor is damaged as a result of misused props or props not properly protected, the studio or school will be liable for all damages occurred. No dragging or sliding props across the stage dance floor. No props can be projected into the audience from stage or during performance (due to safety issues this will result in disqualification)
IN ALL DANCE CATEGORIES (except for open category or Acro, which should be a minimum of 50% acro elements fused with dance), at least 90% of steps & style must be in the discipline entered.
- All entries become the property of the Coastal Dance Festival
- ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE: including cancellation and withdrawals. Coast Dance Festival reserves the right to refuse entries.
- Competitors must be PREPARED TO DANCE twenty (20) minutes prior to the given time and report the backstage manager
- Competitors are allowed to practice in DESIGNATED areas only. Main Stage & wings are not a practice area.
- COMPETITOR(S) MUST NOT BE COACHED WHILE PERFORMING. Exception: in classes under SEVEN (7) years of age. Teachers may stand behind curtain and in wings to assist with coaching of these students.
- ALL PROTESTS must be in writing to the Festival Office before the end of May, accompanied by Fifteen ($15.00) dollars. In the event, of the protest being sustained, the fifteen ($15.00) will be refunded. The decision of the committee is final.
- ABSOLUTELY NO DISCUSSION WITH THE ADJUDICATOR by teachers, dancers or parents. Only writers, assistants and board members are permitted to communicate with the adjudicator
- ALL TAP SHOES must be covered or removed before and after each performance. Any article that could damage the stage will not be permitted. Teachers and competitors must ensure that Tap Shoes can pass inspection.
- Competitors please be respectful and remain in assigned seats until adjudications are finished.
- PHOTOGRAPHY: ABSOLUTELYNO ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT of any kind may be used by the audience, teachers and competitors. (i.e.: cameras, video equipment, recording devices, cell phones, pagers, I-Pods, Blackberry, Palm Pilots, Gameboys, etc.) All electronic devices must be turned off. (i.e.: cell phones, etc.) EXCEPTION: AUTHORIZED MEDIA ONLY.
- No part of any dance may start or end from off the front of the stage/audience/stairways. (i.e. No starting or ending dance from audience.)
- No substitution of competitors will be allowed UNLESS approved before the commencement of the Dance Section in which dance is to be performed. REQUESTS MUST BE IN WRITING, MAILED, FAXED OR EMAILED TO THE FESTIVAL OFFICE. Festival Committee must approve all requests.
- The Festival is a family event. All choreography and content must be appropriate for family audiences. Inappropriate language, songs, costuming and gestures will NOT be permitted.
- LIABILITY WAIVER: The Coastal Dance Festival (CDF) is not responsible for any claims, demands or damages concerning injury to any competitor that may occur during the annual CDF Festival. CDF will not be responsible for any loss or damage to props, or any other personal property. CDF’s acceptance of a competitor’s application for entry into the CDF Festival, will release any responsibility of CDF or volunteers for CDF, from claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of action arising out of or in consequence of any loss, injury or damage to any competitor or any competitor’s personal property incurred while attending or participating in the Coastal Dance Festival.